Wednesday, June 06, 2007


The CB#2 Institutions Committee heard a second presentation regarding the Genonics building construction on Waverly Place and is continuing to monitor both this and the Co-Gen project on Mercer. Both are as-of-right projects, however various discussions and concessions are in the works regarding quality of life, hazardous material removal and noise during the 2-3 year construction phase.

The Co-Generation plant on Mercer St has been approved though talks are ongoing with the Co-Op Board and residents at 250 Mercer St.

Talking about noise...the NoHo Neighborhood Association is looking for videographers who are willing to take turns evenings and weekends to document horn honking and traffic congestion in preparation for a presentation to NYPD and Dept of Transportation regarding the sadly lacking enforcement presence. Please contact us or write a post about your problem location.

If you'd like a copy of the new Noise Code, you will find it at Just use the Search Feature above and click on the NoHoManhattan button.